- As it was your choice, we will be holding an IRON-CHEF like competition. We have our ingidient; pork.
- You must cook 2 dishes in ONE hour. You have already submitted your main dish recipe. You also need to come with an entree (to be served before your main dish).
- Everyone must speak English at all times while cooking. Points will be discounted, from your total, for every use of Spanish.
- Everything must be made during the hour of your peoject. You can NOT bring anything precooked.
- There will be 5 judges other than myself, so will need to provide at least 6 portions of each dish.
- You will explain why you chose each dish and how ut was prepared.
- You will be graded on use of English (10 points); Presentation (5 points); Flavor (5 points); and teamwork (5 points). IT is very important that you understand that the use of Spanish will affect you total score.
- Your team is responsible for the material to be used and so you must request it according to the Glion rules.
- Your team is also responsible for setting tables for the judges and serving the plates, and most importantly for cleaning afterthe event.
- The teams not participating must attend class.
Leave a comment to confirm you have read and understood these rules.