Thursday, August 21, 2014

Parts of Specch and Parts of the Body

  • In class, we saw the different Parts of Speech, and how they work. Go to this link to review how the parts of speech work, The first thing you are going to do is go to the link below and study how they work. 

  • We also looked at the different parts of the body. You worked as a team and made a list with your classmates and we shared them in class. For your homework, you need to follow these steps.
  1. Memorize and translate the body parts in this list. Did you have al of them in your exercise?
  2. After studying them, do three exercises to test your memory; face, head, and body.
  3. By now you are an expert on the vocabulary parts!
  4. You will find appropiate images; 1 for the head, and 1 of the human body. Paste them on PowerPoint slides. Then, tag a minimum of 25 body parts (minimum 10 for head and face).
  5. Finally you will send it to my email, The suject of the mail, AND the name of the file is YOUR_NAME_bodyparts. For example PETER_PARKER_bodyparts.
  6. The deadline for sending the email. is Thursday, August 28, 2014, before midnight

  • For the next class*, you and your team will teach the class a yoga or tai chi routine, using commands. Remeber (1) every member of the team MUST speak individually, and (2) to bring comfortable clothes, so that we keep uniforms clean.

* Group 1: next class on Monday, August 25th at 10 A.M.
Group 2: next class on Friday, August 29th at 9 A.M.
Group 3: next class on Friday, August 29th at 11 A.M.

  • Finally, after you read the complete assignment, leave a comment in the comment section with your name and group.
If you have questions, contact me.
