Wednesday, September 10, 2014

What kind of doctor do you want to be?

This is your assignment for the next class, and it is very simple. 

  1. You are going to make a list of 5 specialties that you are interested in. 
  2. You will describe, in no more than 50 words, what that specialty is, 
  3. and why you want to study it. This has to be in YOUR WORDS, 50 to 100 aadditional words. 
  4. You will make and PRINT a word document and bring it to class. 
  5. You will give a mini presentation, individually, on ONE of the five specialties, but the trick is that I will tell you which one to talk about.
  6. You can NOT read your presentation.
  7. Take this quiz . It is fun.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Know what you're talking about; talk about yourself!

What we're trying to do here is get you to be an amazing public speaker. So, how do we go about doing that? We do it by getting you to do presentations, and then a few more presentations... and a some more presentations after that. You get the idea.
Let's look at some tips from the Toastmasters website.

  1. I will make sure you that master these tips not by memory, but by constant work; 
  2. Make the right moves. Don't hold up the wall, it won't fall.. 
  3. Your visual support is vital to your presentation;
  4. Let's avoid this; 
  5. If you lose it and things go wrong, this link will help you; 

And now the rules:

  • Presentation will be about YOU!
  • Tell us five things we do not know about you... GET creative talk about something which most people don't talk about.
  • You have to talk about your past, present and future.
  • You can bring any visual support you need, except PowerPoint or any computer based projection.
  • You will leave a comment, mentioning the tip you think is most helpful, and why.
  • You have to talk for a minimum of two minutes and a maximum of three.
  • Presentations will be on Monday September 15th, and it is part of your grade.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


For this activity, I have borrowed from my fellow teacher Ariel.

The first thing you need to do is print this document, because we will use it in class. You must have YOUR OWN COPY in class in order to work. You can print on recycled paper.

Next you will test your knowledge at this link for practice. This link is for practice at home. 

In class, you will do an activity withis information. If you can bring a laptop or a table.

You will need to work in teams, but you will have individual work by the end of the class.