Thursday, November 12, 2015
The Final Stretch
Well we are getting near the end. So we need to sharpen our skills. I have been asking you to open your mind to new possibilities. To begin with, I need you to read this article and take some notes. Where do you agree? Where do you disagree? Tell me.
Once you have done that go here and find out what you need to make awesome presentations. pay attention, there are some tactical tips as well. Then, tell me which slide & tactical tips you find most challenging and why. Remember that the idea is for you to take a chance on creativity.
Here are some more ideas to enhance your presentations.
As you know, your assignment was to go to the MAC (Museo de Arte Contemporaneo) and take extensive notes on your impressions, and how you feel about what you saw. We do not need a list of what they are showing there, or the history of the museum. We need you to open, both, your heart and mind. Your presentation will be precisely about that. I will need to see your notes. Remember that you can NOT type your notes into your phone so as not to get distracted. Again, this presentation is a VERY PERSONAL deal.Don't be afraid! Don't cheat yourself out of this experience. Avoid short cuts.
From the Journals of Keith Haring.
"I don't think art is propaganda; it should be something that liberates the soul, provokes the imagination and encourages people to go further. It celebrates humanity instead of manipulating it." -Keith Haring
Now that you have read the post, and reviewed the links you will go to the comment section and leave an extensive comment on each question answering what has been asked.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
One of a kind museums
"Arte es la actividad mediante la cual puede reconstruirse el mundo, cuando el mundo ha desaparecido."
-César Aira, Fragmentos de un diario en Los Alpes.
There are some museums that are far from being average; they are truly one-of-a-kind. These places can either represent a community, or cater to special interests..
For example, we have the MOBA. Read and find out about its origins and philosophy; then, look at their collection.
Why do you think we need places that are so unique?
With the idea of the Techno Museum coming to Frankfurt, your assignment is an easy one today. Go on line, and find a one-of-a-kind museum that you would like us to know about.
- You will give your presentations in pairs.
- ONE more time I am asking you to be as unconventional as possible.
- Ask yourself how you can incorporate the subject matter of the museum into the dynamic of your presentation.
- Presentations are to be mailed in before 6P.M. on Sunday.
Success is yours.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Thursday, September 24, 2015
So much to do
Read this article, then write a 150-180 word paper on what you understood, which you will turn in when you give your presentation on Monday.
For your presentation go to the DoctorRalf Homework page.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Thinking out side the box.
You and I know that here are no formulas to becoming more creative. I really want to get you to think outside the norm.
Here is a brief list of tips to help you be a better observer.
After that, I want you to watch and I listen to some people and try to look inside your life perhaps change your perspective.
Being yourself
Here is a brief list of tips to help you be a better observer.
After that, I want you to watch and I listen to some people and try to look inside your life perhaps change your perspective.
Being yourself
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Why should people go to museums?
As you get ready to present your projects, it is important that you get more experience in the world of museums. These are some links to some museums which I love. Also some explanations on how culture is accessed and used in Mexico. Visit every link, take a tour, watch videos, look at pictures, read the posts... and do some serious research.
- http://www.gugg
As you take tours of the museum sites:
Projects will be presented on September 21, under these rules:
- Take notes.
- Come to your own conclusions.
- Remember that the objective of your visits and these links is to inspire you to understand the importance of art and museums, and the joy of visiting museums.
- The objective of the presentations is not to describe museums.
Projects will be presented on September 21, under these rules:
- You may present with any means you want.
- You will turn in the evidence of your visit to the museums, and a written presentation.
- You can not read your presentation.
- Executive uniforms must be worn when you present.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
EUROPE! Countries, Cities, Nationalities and Dishes

Vocabulary is very important. In this activity we are going to learn vocabulary for counties and languages IN ENGLISH.
How many countries in Europe can you name? What is the capital of Denmark? What is the official currency in Turkey? What is the official language of Finland? You may, or may not agree with me, but there things you (we) have to know. I know some people feel that learning a lot of information might actually be useless. Knowledge can never be useless.
- You will first test your memory by taking a quiz on Europe and its geography, just for fun.
- After that, complete this chart in English.
- When you finish, email the document to; The subject and the name of the attachment should be YOUR_NAME_Europe.
- All the information you gather you will use in another project.
- And that is all for San Pablo.
- In addition, you will go to this link after class and study the parts of speech. This information is VERY important for you to understand how English works;
Have fun!
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Final Presentations
For your final project you have to convince people your age, people like you to visit, and continue visiting, museums. For your presentation think about these questions:
- Did you find beauty in museums and art?
- Would you go back?
- Can you attract people to experiment the sensation of going to museums?
- Can you really capture a young person's attention?
- Can you be convincing?
You might want to write some more questions for yourself.
Also, remember that it is very important for you to express your well thought out ideas. Do not just go to the cliches, the empty words that everyone repeats. Speak from your heart. Go back to the previous posts and look at the speaking an presentation tips. Be yourself. Use different intonations, use your body, look at people in the eye. Show everybody that you know what you are talking about.
- You can present in anyway you like; PowerPoint or with other material.
- Executive uniforms must be worn as specified in your rule book.
- Use example and arguments that are clear.
- There is NO reading.
- If you present in a team (pairs), BOTH member must speak equally.
- Projects will be presented on Tuesday, June 2nd. The class starts at 7 and you are expected to be there, fully prepared. ON TIME!
- Late arrivals will be counted as absences, and may lose points if they are disruptive.
- If i call your team and you or your partner are not there, you lose your opportunity.
- You must turn in a written document containing the detailed arguments and points of you presentation. If the material has been copied and pasted and/or translated literally your grade will be severely affected. If you do not turn in a document you will not be allowed to present.
Success is yours
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
An Artist Like Me
We all have, or have had, an artistic vein. Your job for your last presentation before the final project, is to find an artist like you.
Yes. You read right, an artist like you. (1) Go the entry on museum virtual tours. (2) Choose an artist, and (3) make a 6-slide PowerPoint presentation about how YOU and the artist are similar and two ways in which you are different. (4) Include specific examples of the painting or scupture or photograph that highlight these similarities or differences.
(5) You will also read this and PAY ATTENTION. You might also want to watch the video I had shared with you, in order to organize your presentation as I broke it down for you last Monday. Finally (6) you must include notes in the presentation so that I may see them as you are presenting without reading.
THIS presentation, as well as last week's MAC presentation are the most important ones.
Presentations MUST BE sent to my email ( by today at midnight.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
For your midterm project you will give a presentation where you have to answer ONE question; "How can you incorporate art to your everyday life?"
Your challenge is (1) to be completely creative. Think about what YOU would like to see in a presentation. Re-read the post on cretivity and what not to do. (2) Do not copy anybody's words. Use your own. (3) You must include a document where you [a] describe how you built your presntation, and how it challanged you; [b] the questions you asked yourself; [c] mention wichi of the tips from The Toastmasters page you will be using; [d] make sure you that use the correct format to cite your bibliography. (4) Make sure visual support is NOT boring or ordinary. (5) You must speak for no less than 3 minutes, and NO more than 4 minutes [which will be timed]. (6) There is no reading. (7) Projects will be presented on Monday, April 13th.
On the right side of the screen there is a section called Documents, at the bottom there is one called GLIO III Porject Rubric. That is the rubirc that I will use to grade your project.
I am mainly asking you to challange yourself, and do something that is different from what you regularly do.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Being confident
Guys, we need to improve our research skills, preparations, re-writing, and our speaking skills
So I leave these links fot you to read, see, lear from, and apply.
1. Some tips.
2. Something to think about.
3. Sounding smart.
LEAVE a comment on what you got from this.
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