Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Final Stretch

Well we are getting near the end. So we need to sharpen our skills. I have been asking you to open your mind to new possibilities. To begin with, I need you to read this article and take some notes. Where do you agree? Where do you disagree? Tell me.

Once you have done that go here and find out what you need to make awesome presentations. pay attention, there are some tactical tips as well. Then, tell me which slide & tactical tips you find most challenging and why. Remember that the idea is for you to take a chance on creativity.

Here are some more ideas to enhance your presentations.

As you know, your assignment was to go to the MAC (Museo de Arte Contemporaneo) and take extensive notes on your impressions, and how you feel about what you saw. We do not need a list of what they are showing there, or the history of the museum. We need you to open, both, your heart and mind. Your presentation will be precisely about that. I will need to see your notes. Remember that you can NOT type your notes into your phone so as not to get distracted. Again, this presentation is a VERY PERSONAL deal.Don't be afraid! Don't cheat yourself out of this experience. Avoid short cuts.

From the Journals of Keith Haring.

"I don't think art is propaganda; it should be something that liberates the soul, provokes the imagination and encourages people to go further. It celebrates humanity instead of manipulating it." -Keith Haring

Now that you have read the post, and reviewed the links you will go to the comment section and leave an extensive comment on each question answering what has been asked.