Wednesday, November 22, 2017

PROPS in Presentations

As you know, this time we are giving presentations with the help of props. I am including a post from IN A MANNER OF SPEAKING. Read the blog carefully and consider your options. You can also watch Davis Hynder to get tips.
I am also including the TED talks by JJ ABRAMS and Hans Roslin so you can revisit them and get some ideas for your presentation, 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Who Has Time to Read?

I certainly hope you do. Technology has brought on different ways to have access to story telling. I must admit that I was a critic of reading from an iPad, or a Kindle; however I have come to embrace it. I still prefer paper, traditional books. Romantic reasons I suppose. Audio Books came about years ago to help people with poor eyesight, or people looking to beat the stress of traffic jams. Now we have podcasts. Here is a podcast from The New Yorker. The Burglar was written by Sarah Shun-Lien Bynum, and it is here read by her. The audio 40 minutes long, including the interview, so take your time.