Looking for work and applying for work is an ever changing process. Resumés have become more concise. They are also focused on skills not only experience. Competences have also become an important aspect. By clicking on the title you will access a PDF download of a resumé for you to emulate and personalize. Do not copy and paste. Analyze the information and apply it to your needs and Skills. create your own experience and build your education to suit certain jobs.
- Your assignment for today is to build a simple resume for the job you wouuld like to apply to. Mail it in to ralfortiz@gmail.com with the covering letter as the body of your email; and your CV as an attachment, saved "Resume_LastName_FirstName.
- Visit sites such as http://hotjobs.yahoo.com/ to look for employment opportunities around the world, then build a stronger CV, which should include higher level of education and several certifications, and work experience based on your future goals. BE REALISTIC. Your CV should be printed and turned in on Friday, October 25th. Make it look professional.
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