Monday, June 23, 2014

Dr. Ralf & His Pupils Battle the Bad Grammar Zombies

As move on with your writings/blogs/essays/readings, you need to pay lots of attention to your spelling and your grammar. There are many words which are commonly misspelled, but they are spelled as other words, thus your spell checker does not pick up on those mistakes.

As if spelling weren't enough trouble, there is all that punctuation that must be taken care of. Rules here, rules there, rules everywhere.

Now, I'm afraid I have some bad news and some good news for you.

Check SpellingThe bad news is that you MUST apply and follow the rules. The good news is that you have Doctor Ralf on your corner! I know it goes without saying, but having Doctor Ralf on your corner (when facing English Grammar) is like El Santo at your side when facing mommies (from Guanajuato or anywhere else). You know, like having that fully loaded shutgun when you need to battle zombies. Chainsaw-wielding, gunshot-toting English-teaching-machine Doctor Ralf is here next to you as you face The Bad Grammar Zombies. Furthermore, we could say that it is like having Gandalf if you are a hobbit going into Mordor. It has been said that it is like knowing Batman is coming as your facing grammar's Joker... I could go on, but I'm sure you get the point by now.

So it is very clear that I am here to help you, but you have to roll up your sleves and join the struggle... do your part. Kill those zombies. As it would be said in a movie "They ain't gonna kill themselves", but there are things only YOU can do for YOURSELF.

Here are some links to help you along the way.
  • Another area of difficulty for many is the correct use of the apostrophe. some people think thay are for plurals... others just don't think about it at all.

  • On a more serious side, The Grammar Book has rules and quizzes to check how well you have learned the rules.
Now you have a chainsaw to start cutting grammar zombies in half. You just need to pull the chain and start shredding. Have fun.


  1. Hello Ralf:
    I really enjoy your videos and comments, they are so funny :).
    I really suck at punctuation so I would use your help allot
    see you later. Have a nice evening

  2. Hi Ralf,

    I`ve seen the all the pages, they are very useful.
    See you Later.
    Rafael Ruiz

  3. Hi ralf ..
    i've read all of this, and it is really useful to correct some mistakes we usually have, thanks .. see you later
    Lorena Muñoz

  4. Hey ralf I'm carlos Guevara I have seen you pages, I hope they really help me, because I'm so stupid in punctuation, and ins some parts of the spelling :S

  5. Hi Ralf!

    I've already seen the pages, they are very fun and useful, I hope they help me to correct my punctuation and spelling, cause I really need
    Thanks... see you later

    Abraham Rodríguez Leija

  6. Hey Ralf, i've seen all the pages, they're really interesting, and i hope i can learn more about punctuation, and thanks for let me in to the classrooom this morning (:
    have a good afternoon, see you

    Biqui Roblees

  7. hi ralf
    i've seen the pages already, they are very cool, i hope they can help me improve in punctuation because i really suck in that.
    see you tomorrow

  8. Hi Ralf, I check all the link pages and are awesome, I also see the document about the punctuation and really I don´t function using it, it´s very dificult for me, I hope this help me :)
    Alejandro Bernal

  9. hey ralf im apu

    i already saw the links...

  10. Hi Ralf!!!!!
    Thx for the help and i hoppe dont have a bad grammar in my future posts
    enrique benavente

  11. Hi Ralf
    I've already seen all the pages and they are very useful,I liked a lot the one about the different words and the one about the apostrophe and well I think that's all.
    See you


  12. Hey there Ralf! Glad to know we've got Valentine on our side against the vivious, brain-eating, souless grammar zombies that are bent on destroying humanity as we know it. Well, these lessons have been pounded into my head, so I can't really forget them...even if I can't tell you what those rules are if my life depended on it hehe. See ya tommorow!


  13. Hello Ralf
    i´ve already saw the comics, i liked the first one! it was so funny jajaja. Anyway i like your explanation of zombies and you being like alice in resident evil jajaja so funny! i liked them! See you tomorrow :)

    Daniela Terrones

  14. Hey Ralf!!! I really enjoyed the poster s they made me laugh A LOT... but, if I should say so, the knuckle thing is truly nasty...:/
    Bye have a super awesome day; well, what's left of it.

  15. hi ralf
    see you..
    Fernando guerrero mtz

  16. Hi Ralf!

    i`m trying to do not have a bad grammar =S
    i hope to get a better work =)

    oh! your explanation of zombies and el santo was funny...

    Diana López

  17. hey ralf!
    thanks for the post i really like it and also where you say that we have doctor ralf at the corner! hope to have a good grammar.

    mimi franco

  18. Hello Ralf!!!
    First of all thanks for your help, I already see the videos!!!
    I ‘m trying to better my grammar!!
    See you tomorrow

    Nancy Villafuerte

  19. hi ralf
    thanks for the pages i'm sure that they can help me out
    see u tomorrow
    ciaO =D

    Ana manzo group 20

  20. I really like the websites; they are a fun way to learn the rules of grammar. Also the statements were pretty funny.

    Luis Valle

  21. Hi Ralf!! thanks for your help i think is very important when the teachers want help his students to be better i will try to be carefully with my posts see you tomorrow!!

    Cristina Seydlitz

  22. I wiil be try to change hard my grammar mistakes so also thanks for your help!!

  23. Hi ralf I am Neto I have seen the articles. Goodbye

  24. i thing that with your help i will be better in all english!!! Because i know that u hate me, but you are a good teacher jajaja!!!! See u ralf, byeeeeee!!!

  25. Hey Ralf saw the page, good job finding 'em they cleared up some of my doubts.
    -Victor Escobedo

  26. hi ralf!
    I checked the pages of grammar and more, it is very interesting, thank you for be like that!
    I appreciate! take care.. see u tomorrow
    byebye =) !!

    Im driving me crazy!!!!!!!!! hahahah
    I erased one post, and I dont know how to put it again..And I dont know if i need to put another one or what? I'll see u tomorrow

  28. Hey Ralf, first of all good night :D I just sae the links that you left for us to see, they were all really helpfull and by the way they were really creative and I loved the words that we should not misspell even though I really don't usually have problems with them they were still helpfull, tahks a lot! :D Sincerely Claudia I. Sanchez Santoyo

  29. hi ralf, i liked the oatmeal website it was very funny and i thinks it is a grat way to learn the rules with out the process being so boring. Althoug the second website wasn´t as fun. Thx you for leaving the links.

    Sofi Pérez Suárez Borjas

  30. Jajajaja i like your explication! is very interesting...

    I know, i have many errors in my blog, but i will try improve.
    Thanks for the pages!!!

    Good weekend
    Breathe and Smile

  31. All in these pages are really interesting because you need have a good grammar. You need to know what the contest is, and when you can use the commas and apostrophes. These things can be change the contest in the lecture and the speaking. Thank you for the information.

  32. Hi.. Ralf is a page really interesting; I liked because I learned some things about the apostrophe with fun examples. offers a variety table of contents with a lot of hyperlinks. These pages have attractive electronic resources for improve my grammar, especially in the area of “Adjectives and Adverbs”

    Good day !!!! :D

  33. I like this activity because sometimes you don't pay attention in the grammar, and just write, and have mistaken.

  34. All the post of, are funny and interesting; I loved it. :)

  35. Hi Ralf...
    The activity is very fun, this type of activities I loved because I learn grammar but I don´t bored so I learn the whit the examples things have apostrophe I like so much this activities
    Have a good day!!! Ralf ;)

  36. The comics is a very funniest, I like know more grammar but in more comics and interactive manner; I like know about of grammatical because I think is important.

  37. I liked this activity because it taught us how to use commas and all the puntuations that we need. I found out I used some of them wrong. It was a fun way to learn this because of all the jokes it had. I'm going to start paying more attetion to what I'm writting and its grammar.

  38. I liked this activity because is very funny learn with pictures and comedy,
    The most importat thing for every work in the school is the presentation, the grammar and puntuation.

  39. Hello Ralf!!!!
    Thanks for the help, I'm not the only with problems of grammar :D
