As you produce your work, for school or in your professional life, you must put yourself into it. It should show who you are, what you are all about. You represent a culture, a lifestyle, an idea, a concept. You are not, or should not be, a cliché
- Click on this link and watch this 5 minute video that will help you with your note taking as you follow the next step and will be your guide for step 3. Mind mapping
- Click on the title. Watch the 18-minute conference. Take notes.
- Write a 500-word essay where you will express your opinion on the topic of the video.
- You must turn in your essay on Friday, along with your notes.
- Write a brief comment after watching both videos.
I just saw the video, is good for us.
ReplyDeleteThank you and see you tomorrow!
Breathe and Smile
hi ralf i like the video is very useful and interesting because sometimes we don´t know how make a mind mapping in a correct form.
ReplyDeletethaks, see you tomorrow!!
Hi ralf, I'm carlos form the bicultural group, I think that this conference was so interesting and also entertaining, first because she's right, in the story there are many sterotipes that make everyone have a bad perspective of them. Great conference better thant the other one :P
ReplyDeletehi =D
ReplyDeletethe video is interesting and it makes you thing how wrong we are in such many things, we can see everything since different perspectives and give for ourselves knowledge and conprenhension.
Att. Lorena Muñoz
Gpo 20
Hi Ralf! I just saw the video and one teacher that I had in High school tought me how make a mind mapping and there are very useful for study or understand something
ReplyDeleteHi Ralf it really help me the mind map video because the truth is that I didn't have idea how a mind map was build up. And the single story video pftt my god it is really interesting, because unfortunately we tent to judge
ReplyDelete-Att: Antonella
Group 20
Hi Ralf, the video of the mind map was very interesting and constructive, to learn how to create a better mind map.
ReplyDeleteAnd the conference about the single story, was very interesting, because all the words of that woman were correct, because we see or hear something about the people, and he judge them immediately, so this conference makes me to have a better comprehension about the stereotypes.
Alejandro Bernal
Group 20
Hi Ralf!!! :D this mind map video was very interesting and it really help me because I am not so good doing this kind of stuff... :)
ReplyDeleteAnd abaout the single story video OMG!!! it was really interesting too because unfortunately most of the people including me tent to judge with out having arguments so it really me to understand more about stereotypes :D
Att: Maria Fernanda Cardenas Fonseca
Group 20 :)
Hey there Ralf, Edson here. I'd always thought that 'maximise' was with a 'z'...guess I've been living a lie my entire life. Oh well. Anyway, these videos are educational, and it's funny how people get those stereotypes, eh? Maybe some day we Mexicans will advance from riding donkeys to horses...who knows. Either way, see you in class!
ReplyDeletehi ralf good videos :D
ReplyDeleteJonathan Antonio
Hey RALF, where do you find these videos? Very interesting I might say. I think that anyone who has lived in more than one country will automatically recall the same feelings and opinion "The single story" is trying to express.
ReplyDelete-Victor Escobedo
Hi Ralf, the video of mind mapping was really useful for me, I didn't know much things about mind maps until know, and the video of the conference really makes me do conscence of how just a simple thing like stereotypes can affect our perception.
ReplyDeleteThank you and see you tomorrow.
Abraham Rodríguez Leija.
Sorry about the comment below, I was wrong
The first video is non interesting than the second one, really is interesting the reason that she has about the differents steriotypes that the people has of different countries. But is a good video, show me a different kind to see the things!
ReplyDeleteHi Ralf the video of Mind Mapping was really really interesting because before i saw it i had a wrong concept of what is a mind map and how we can make one of it.
ReplyDeleteAnd the conference of The Single Story was interesting too because i mean, i didnt have idea of how easily we can affect and change our opinion and perception of things.
well thanks ralf see you around at school!
Fernando Torres
All the videos are really interesting,st in the first video i learned somenthing that will be usefull to me, the second video showed a truth about stereotypes.
ReplyDeleteana l.manzo
group 20
Hi Ralf, the videos were intereestings, now I now how to do better mind maps
ReplyDeleteDiego Ernaesto
Group 20
Hey ralf,
ReplyDeleteI never knew mind maps could be that fun, thanks for sharing the video with us. The conference was very interesting and it made me reflect on how we shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. =)
Group 20
Heyy Ralf!!!!
ReplyDeleteI truly appreciate the information on the mind mapping video. Mind maps are useful tools that one can certainly adapt to our learning style, they realy help !!!
Andrea Lujan Sanchez; Group 20
Hey Ralf,
ReplyDeleteI liked the mind mapping video, i thought it was informative.
I especially enjoyed the second video, what she said is very true and i felt that i could relate to what she was saying.
Luis Valle
Group 20
Hey Ralf, just letting you know I watched the videos.
ReplyDeleteI really hate stereotyping, so I think the TED conference video was very true and rather interesting.
Regards, K. Daniel Moreno
Group 20
Hi rlaf, I just saw the 2 videos and I liked, I am going to do that kind of mind mapping and the conference of the single story it´s saying the truth of the judments that we do for other places.
ReplyDeleteFernando Guerrero group 20
My comment about the video its that girl amazing and the way that she writes and livng the life learning about the diferent cultures and the thing more important that i like about hte video its you as a person can not have just a single story bwecause you just see one part of the world, need to open your mind and see all the stories