As a result of progress, letter writing has evolved, but mostly in format, not so much in form. We now are more likely to use email than a pen paper. I must point out that many instances still occur where people write formal letters on paper.
We have been reading about jobs in the tourism industry. After looking for opportunities for internship, employment or further study, you will go to the following links to get more pointers on letters of inquiry.
Once you have acquainted yourself with the formalities of letter writing. You will visit the site of the Le Cordon Blue, or one of the sites you researched last Friday, and look for a program that you would like to take or apply for. After you have read information on the different programs, you will send a letter of inquiry requesting information on the program or position, its requirements, as well as, scholarship , financial aid information or salary and benefits
Address your letter to:
"Dear Sir or Madam" if you do not know the person's name.
Choose one option and write a FORMAL letter of inquiry, and copy me in your email to
Your letter mus be written very carefully and with no spelling or grammatical mistakes.
To improve your vocabulary, and check your spelling, I suggest you go to Dictionary.Com so you start using an English-English dictionary.
Looking for work and applying for work is an ever changing process. Resumés have become more concise. They are also focused on skills not only experience. Competences have also become an important aspect. By clicking on the title you will access a PDF download of a resumé for you to emulate and personalize. Do not copy and paste. Analyze the information and apply it to your needs and Skills. create your own experience and build your education to suit certain jobs.
- Your assignment for today is to build a simple resume for the job you wouuld like to apply to. Mail it in to with the covering letter as the body of your email; and your CV as an attachment, saved "Resume_LastName_FirstName.
- Visit sites such as to look for employment opportunities around the world, then build a stronger CV, which should include higher level of education and several certifications, and work experience based on your future goals. BE REALISTIC. Your CV should be printed and turned in on Friday, October 25th. Make it look professional.
"A fool's brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry. Hence University education"
- George Bernard Shaw
In our country, there is this idea that everyone deserves a college education. We are asked to make such an important choice at a very young age. As a result, we have tons of drop outs, and people changing their minds, which, to a certain point, is a good thing, as we all must try to both make a living and enjoy what we do.
Why did you choose your field of study? What characteristics do you have that make it a good choice? Is it what you really want? Do you have doubts about your choice? Are there things that you do not need to study? What subjects are important for you to study now? What actions do you have to do to achieve your goals? Do you have a plan to achieve them? What is important now? What isn't? What drives you? What are your motivations? When are you planning to be professional? What bothers you about your teachers? What do you like about them? Where would you like to work? Do you understand what it is like to have a boss? Do you like to deal with people? What is your attitude about being told what to do? Do you understand that eventually you will have to be independent? At what age should you be independent?
For today's activity you have to think about all of these questions and others I have not pointed out.
VERY important note:
I do NOT want a bunch of clichés oreven a single one! I want you to write it from the heart. Furthermore, tomorrow [Tuesday, October 15th] you will give an ENTERTAINING two-minute talk on it. You can NOT have notes, you can not use visual support, or music. It will just be YOU!