Tuesday, September 26, 2017

PowerPoint and putting people to sleep.

When was the last time you saw or did an interesting or exciting presentation? Was it creative? Are you creative? You are about to do your first real presentation in class. 

There is a certain level of expectations, after all, you are an Advanced English Student. However there are a few things that you have to take into account: 

When you do a presentation in PowerPoint, take this into account. There are so many PowerPoint presentations that are just absolutely boring. 
  1. So don't be boring. Here is a fun video that you can watch to get an idea of what to avoid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbSPPFYxx3o 

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

End of the Cassini Explorer

Image result for cassini photos

Read this, watch the videos and pictures. On your notebook, you will write a 300-word essay detailing your impression of this event based on what we saw in Brian Cox's TEDtalk, which I have included in full. 

I have also included his TEDtalk on CERN's Supercollider, which will definitely help you have a larger understanding of his passion for curiosity driven science and exploration.