Sunday, October 8, 2017


A Few Tips on Public Speaking.
  1. Practice. Many people fail at speaking in public because they don't practice before. Make sure that you know when you are going to use gestures.
  2. KNOW what you are talking about. Study the material and write it yourself, use your words.
  3. Introduce yourself and classmates.
  4. State your topic, and the main parts of your presentations. If necessary, state the purpose of your talk; persuade, inform, etc. 
  5. Make eye contact. It helps connect with your audience. Look at the audience, NOT at the presentation or the teacher. PowerPoint is a tool, NOT the center of your presentation.
  6. Control mannerisms. Your body language is very important. Don't put your hands in your pockets, or cross your arms... watch this video
  7. Enunciate. Speak clearly. NEVER worry about your accent; embrace it.
  8. DON'T read your presentation. That is sure way to lose the interest of your audience.
  9. Enjoy it. If you enjoy your presentation, your audience will too.


  1. This video showed me that to make a good presentation we have to keep in mind three important things that are to stand strong and showed that you know your topic , that we don´t hace to create distractors for the audience , to never lose the eye contact , we have to keep the audience in the presentation and having a good tone of voice Carlos Adrian Gamez Martinez 63-16

  2. It was a nice video that explains a lot of stuff that my body are saying and i didnt realize that things affect the way my presentation is present in my classroom to the group the body says more than my own words DANIELA PEREZ MORENO 6334

  3. Valeria Toranzo Martínez 63-40

    This video was very funny because it showed us what we normally do in a presentation, the good thing is that now we now how to correct those mistakes and do a good presentation. With this video I learned how to keep the attention of my audience and to do the right movements so they can understand but not get offended.

  4. I liked the video,it was entertaining and it did give me some helpful tips on how to be more confident and comfortable when I speak in public Yoalli Rodriguez 62-31

  5. I didn´t know an unexperted guy could present in Samsung! I can see now that a lot of people are lost in their presentations, as well as the form they do it. Also, It´s impressive that if you only explain yourself by pointing your palm to the roof, tou catch the attention of the audience, but i think the most important thing that I learned was the posture to present :D

  6. Sofia Fernanda Gloria Flores 66-11

    I liked the video, it's very funny. I think knowing these kind of tips in order to develop our public presentation skills are very useful. I had not thought about the fact of being the guide of the topic, and I also think it's so important to have congruence with our message and gestures.
    Ahother fact is the one that is not mentioned in the video at all, but I could identificate several times: Make your audicnce feel important, respected and confident. The speakers, with their ideas, every moment were looking for the good treat to their audicnce and a more confident relation.

  7. I think it was a really good video and not only because that is such an important information that all people should know, also because I realize that even when I thought sometimes that my body language is correct now I know that is not. One important thing is that maybe you can be nervous but you don't have to let audience notice about it and you can do that using this tools.
    Maria Jose Cuevas 63-13

  8. Sergio Manuel Carrillo Rodríguez 63-08

    I found the video very useful, i didn't know about a lot of things that were mentioned in the video, i learned new ways to perform body language in a presentation and i also learned how to keep the audience focused on the topic by analysing them. I liked the video because it was interesting and at the same time it was a little bit funny so i didn't get bored at the time i was watching it

  9. Karolina Galindo Núñez 67-07
    I liked this video because I think that it is going to be very useful not only for our project but for our life. I always thought that the body language was very important when you're taking to an audience but now I think that it is the priority because it is a powerful roll in the communication and you have to use it wisely because you can distract them. I learned a lot from this video, now I know that I have to care about the position, something that before I didn't care, also that I have to face the people, that the gestures have to match with the conversation, and I think the most important thing is that you have to make a connection with the audience, because they're the priority, they are the ones that are listening to you, you have keep the audience on track. "You are the guide".

  10. Perla Estefania Estrada Pacheco 53-07
    I liked this video, it gives very useful information about what to do while you are doing a presentation and how to make it in a way the audience is engage with it.

  11. This video taught me the right ways to make a prsentation: your body language, yourconfidence, your knowledge, passion and interest that you have on the topic, are the key to make a good presentation.
    Cristina Sánchez 53-30

  12. A little late, but I find this video very useful to remember what we must and must NOT do at a PowerPoint presentation, and I think the way it's presented help us to understand why a lot of animations or certain types of fonts are wrong. And more than just what you are presenting as a tool, this shows us the importance of our expressions and body language and we can learn how to use them to connect with our audience. Not only for our project, I think this is going to be very helpful at any future presentation of any subject.
    Verania Silva López 67-23

  13. Tips are always a way to get better and better through time. In all my education I have always been told to do things that in matter of time will not be useful anymore, but I think this vídeo has been the best I have seen, because I think and know this will help me all my life.

  14. Rebeca Silva Rdz 65-17
    I like the video. I found it very usefull because not everyone know how to make a good presentation. This us going to help me to make a good presentation.

  15. I found this video very interesting and also useful. I think that it is going to help me a lot with my presentation and with my future presentations. I found very useful tips like for example you have to keep in mind your position because if you are standing in a bad place the audience canget distracted by other things that they’re not in your control, also you have to use very wisely your hands because if you use it wrong you can make the audience uncomfortable and also one of the most important things: you have to make eye contact to the audience in order to get attention from them and notice if they’re bored to try to make more interactive the presentation. and the last thing like in the video they said the body language is a superpower that you have to use it very well. Alexa Manzanero 66-14

  16. This video was very interested and also funny. It showed us the things that we're doing at the time of present in public. With this video we can correct the mistakes that we're doing. One very important thing is to know what you're talking about and to make eye contact with your public to keep them interested in your topic. Also to know how to use your body language at the time of present. I think that this video would help me a lot for the rest of my life.

    Ilse Marián Castro Guzmán 66-05

  17. Andrea Xhigoli Cerda 66-06

    I think this video teaches us something very important in a funny way. PowerPoint is now used as a presentation and not as what it actually is: a tool. Body language, presence, confidence and knowledge about what you are talking about are essential to a good presentation. This will help me in all my presentations now on.

  18. I think this information plus the one we saw at the classroom, will help me a lot to make an excellent power point presentation, for the project this month and long term for the future. I personally think i would never have thought about some specific tips that were mentioned.
    Isabella rossini Aguilera 67-21

  19. I really like this tips because it’s going to help me not only in English class but in all my classes!! I hope you can see my effort and change in this protect! Thanks for letting us correct our mistakes by this creative tips.
    Sofia Padilla 67-17

  20. Carlos Cabrera Rios 66-04
    I liked the video, because it is something that nobody really teach us. That is why we all make those mistakes, they give really good advices of how control your body while a presentation, and how it matters to the audience. Is something that if you learn it, and aply it will help you all your life.

  21. claudia cordova 6704
    it is really helpful because in the future it will help me to improve my power point presentations.

  22. It was very funny the fact that only using your hands could impress the audience like the Asian guy did it, they will (and also I) remember the expression that he made to convince them that expressions can help to remember things

  23. Nahel 6709
    Very helpful, loved it

  24. Sergio Ernesto Medina Méndez 67-15
    I think that this tips are really useful for our future, because we can do better next time and we can make more interesting presentations about many topics

  25. I liked the video, it fine to know how can we become very good public speakers, i didn't know that body language was very important.
    Raul Alejandro Fernandez Sanchez 67-05

  26. Karen 5205
    I found this video really useful because it makes you think of all the things you have to improve while you're speaking like your gestures, the way you stand in front of your audience and to never point at the audience, it depends on us to try that the audience is interested on what we're talking about.These kind of tips are really useful.

  27. Valeria Artolózaga Leija 52-04
    I think this video is going to help me a lot because it shows some tips that i will use at presentations. The mistakes we made are because we dont know how to express the ideas and we get nervous. I agree with the guy that says "the body language is a superpower" but not everyone know how to controle or use it.

  28. Isaura Torres Retamoza 53-33
    At first i wasnt convinced about the video, but it was really funny and i think I learned some new things that I can use in my future presentations, I hope dont forget it because I get really nervous talking in public.

  29. Rodrigo Esmer Rivera 63-14
    Thank you ralf it is a really funny video and most important it was very helpful.

  30. From this video I learned a lot: how to stand in front of your audiencie, making the right gestures and to know how to engage with your audience. I also uderstood that its okay to be nervous, is just not okay to make it visible and let it control you and the presentation.
    The video was not only helpful for this class, but for my other classes and even for life.
    Cristina Sánchez 53-30

  31. Hey ralf, thankyou for sharing these kind of videos to us because I think that they are not just funny, they are helpful as well, so we can apply these tips now on.
    Adrian Flores Rdz 63-15

  32. Ury Russell Méndez Esparza 53-21

    Dude you made me laugh so hard sometimes with this video, it has not much fun jokes but it got out a smile from me. I think it's very important to while we are watching the video to think in our own posture, and everything that they tell us about body language. The fact that people who don't have control over their body gestures or the way that they give input to you makes the audience to lose attention on the presentation it´s so true. This will really help everyone who watched the video to become great at speaking in public.

  33. Fabian Castro Schulte 52-06
    This video is very helpful to improve your presentation a lot. It shows many mistakes that are made, shows how to correct them and what thinks you have to take care of. Thanks for that

  34. This was an entrentaining way of noticing some of the things we do wrong when we talk to an audience.
    Ricardo Josué Romero González 62-33

  35. This video will be very helpful for me in my future presentations, I usually do all the things that they said not to do, but now I know how to do it correctly so I won’t be making more mistakes.
    It will be hard to notice my mistakes while I’m doing the presentation because of the nerves, but with the practice and confidence it will change.
    Luis Gerardo (Gerry) Rivas Cortés 63-37

  36. Diego Maza 66-20
    I like that you share this kind of videos with us so that we can learn form our mistakes and give better presentations in public and have better body language

  37. This video was interesting because it’s a presentation of how to do presentations I like it because it shows you how to stand and move so your audience don’t get bored and I think that it’s going to be very useful in my future Academic presentations
    Jared Hernandez Ibarra 53-14

  38. Sheryl is a very encouraging woman because she really wants to change the things, every experience she had moved her to do more things and to be open minded. To better as a person and as a woman.
    Marian Daniela Barragan Ramirez 6304

  39. I really enjoyed the video because now I know that body gestures are very important when you give a presentation and that body gestures also talk about how you are and body gestures also can be more agresive like pointing or they can be more kind like pointing but with your hand open and the palms up
    This are some technics I can use when I give my presentation
    Dan Ochoa Arriaga 52-20

  40. Hello Ralf its me MONCH 53-35 I liked the video because it teaches you how to stand up in front of people and which movements you can do alsoi like the video now i know what body gestures are very importan to do when you give a presentation and what are thosebody gestures are agressive

  41. This video is interesting because it teaches you the ways for a good presentation like how to stand in front of a public and also the body language we should use during a presentation to make the presentation more enjoyable for the public

    Monica Torres 6724

  42. Well, this video had some great advice when it comes to managing your body language, I've learnt a thing or two that I'll surely find helpful in the future, thanks.
    Sebastian Garcia C. 47-18

  43. Hi Ralf, this video is interesting because it shows you way to make a good presentation that i didnt know, i hope that this will help me
    Daphne Vidal 47-42

  44. Well, the video is interestig and help you to make better presentations without a fail, i helps better than other videos.
    Alejandro arce 45-07

  45. Adriana Mejía 46-19October 17, 2017 at 7:24 PM

    It's interesting and helpful because it shows me how not to bore my audience as it always ends or because i tend to talk really fast

  46. This video teach us what is the body language and the correct form to use it.

    It can help me to do presentations in the future.

    Erick Robledo 47-34

  47. I didn´t know that body language plays such an important role when it comes to convey an idea during a presentation. From now on, i will be more conscious of my physical interpretation and expressive skills.

    Sofia Nava 47-25

  48. I liked a lot this video, it was very helpful for me honestly, I hope this will help me on my presentations. I didn't expect that body language and the room where you are giving your presentations were that important.
    Estibaliz Martinez 47-23

  49. Woooah i didnt know that bodylenguage were very important and i learn to see the audience and be calm and secure about my self. Also the eye contact is a stragedy i will use allot since now.
    Eduardo larraga 46-12

  50. This video is so helpful to do a correct presentation, and if I learn this correctly we can do a very profesional presentation.

  51. Paola García Ubaldo 46-09
    in this video I learned that it is very important the body language in the presentations to be understood and that others are not distracted and avoid bad postures and bad gestures such as barney the dinosaur and apply these techniques for my future presentations

  52. i liked this video a lot, it sows you perfectly what you have and what you dont have to do in a presentation with your body lenguaje, this body lenguage, i learned that is very important so ill try to do this in my future presentations so i can get better at them
    samuel sanchez leija 46-38

  53. This showed me that every move ir every little aspect influence ir has a consequence on people's attention
    Andrés Robledo 46-31

  54. Paola Rivera 46-31
    I nevera tought that the body lenguage was so important to catch your audience attention. I am usually the kind oficina person who has the hands un my pockets, also i don't move around the classroom or move my hands. It was really clear that you should never point the audience with your finger, thats the lower percent of catch the audience, it's much way better to put your hand palm up. This video and tips are going to make me fell sure of my presentation and don't worry about, but enjoy it.

  55. Montserrat Rodríguez 46-33
    I really liked this video bescuse i learned a los of things about the body languages and also the tips of the presentation . And i can use the techniques no the cómic presentation.

  56. Christopher Guerrero 42-21October 19, 2017 at 4:22 PM

    I like alot this article because I have problems giving presentations, especially with body language because I get very nervous, y will practice and tray to get beter at it becaus it wil help me not only in every clases I have, but also in life. Thanks Ralf :)

  57. I think this video is great because i realice that i have done in some presentations a very bad bodylanguage and with the video i can learn how to correct my actions and do a better and profesional exposition. I will apply the tips on monday, sorry for being late and thanks for the tips Dr.Ralf

  58. i like the video, so funny in some parts, and i learned something new today, how to make a pretty good body lenguage, and the advices, they are cool too! hope everybody can do a good presentation :)

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. This video help me a lot, I always have problems with my body language every time I'm in front of people.
    I think this is a great article that would help me to have great presentations in the future.
    Diego Galván Alvarado 43-07

  61. Daniela Perera Triana 43-35
    I really like this video, because I learn more of the body language. When I have to present a work I get very nervous and I start to move my hands and I dont speak fluently the words. I hope with this to have very good results.

  62. Oliver Martinez 43-27

    I think that this video is very useful for people who get really nervous giving a presentation like me. I will try to improve my body language as we can see in the video.

  63. Valeria Alfaro Frias 43-01. The video was very helpful and interesting. I’m going to practice and try to improve my body language in future presentations.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Arturo Solis 42-37

    Thanks for the video! It gives a lot of great tips for people who don’t know how to give a presentation in public. I know it will help me since I get very nervous and I hope I can improve my body language, speaking fluently and not getting so nervous, thanks!

  66. This video I like it because somethings when I have a some presentation in public in inglish I.m very nerveous and really I forget everything, so all the types that give this video can save me when I speak in public and this video is so dynamic and funny so I like that! I recommend this video for all the people who has problems when they have a presentation in public.
    Estefanía Reyna. 43-40

  67. Ada Salinas G 43-43
    I really liked this video because it teaches you in a fun and easy way to understand how to give a good presentation without people getting bored or distracted. I will try to use all the tips so the public doesn’t notice that I am nervous, insecure or a little bit distracted by things happening in the classroom.

  68. Diana Karen Gómez García 43-13
    I think that’s this video will be very helpful for me, because it will made us to be understanding more easily by all the public that we are presenting to, also it can help us in our daily life because at least one time we need to talk in public, this tips will be very helpful and I hope that this help me to improve in all my presentations.

  69. Josue Ambriz. 43-02
    i think this video is very interesting and helpful for people like me who do not know how to use body lenguage while we are talking in public or giving a prsentation, in the future i´ll try to use more body lenguage while speaking

  70. i think this video is helpful because we need this tips can help us to have a good presentacion, i don't know their body language can express your security or insecurity

  71. Esteban Ojeda. 42-33
    This tips will help me a lot for my presentations, and also it will help me on my daily life to have a better comunication

  72. i think this video is helpful because this tips can help us to have a good presentacion, i didnt know their body language can express your security or insecurity
    Jimena Guadalupe macias asegura 4224

  73. i think this video is helpful because this tips can help us to have a good presentation, i didnt know that body language can express your security or insecurity
    Jimena Guadalupe macias asegura 4224

  74. Nadia Vidales Ibarra 42 - 40
    Well I like this video because I think is really hepful and now, I Know that body language is very important in a presentation, ecause it helps you and the audience to get involved and make it esy for both sides.

  75. This video teach that we can express using our body and make the presentation better because the normal presentations they all use cardboards or power point presentations and the video showed different ways to improve your presentations

  76. This tips are really useful to improve a speech and make the audience have a better comprehension of the presentation.
    Thanks for this useful tips.
    -Martín Armando Magaña Macías 43-25

  77. This video was really helpful because I didn't know that body language helps making a better presentation and what not to do.
    Anayansi Rangel Ángeles 45-32

  78. The video teach us in a funny way what we can do in a presentation and like this we can make a better contact with the audience. In the video they gives us tips very useful and I will take it in my next presentation.
    Edgar Mota Medina 45-30

  79. Alejandro Paúl Igoa Ibarra 42-23
    Thus us a really good video, It teaches us some nice strategties for our presentations. I even learned some new interesting strategies so the audience is involved in it. Thanks Dr. Ralph! :D

  80. I really liked the video it was funny, I learned about body language and in the article some tips that can help me with my presentation. Hope I do better now every time I speak in public.
    Melissa López Zárate 46-14

  81. I really like the video because I didn’t know that anda obviously I’m going to practice the body language to give a better presentation also is so interesting and they explain it very good, love it. Lolita Chowell 43-15

  82. Catherine Cordero 47-13
    Very usefull blog and excellent video, now I'm sure I'll do it better in my next presentation using this tips

  83. Daniel Contreras Bear 47-12
    Excellent video, it is a very fun way to learn how to express ourselves in public, also it is very usefull for our presentations.

  84. good techniques i better use them in my next presentation
    Eduardo Larraga 46-12

  85. Sebastian Garcia Castañon 47 - 18
    "To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism, to steal from many is research".

  86. Sofia Nava 47-25
    the video exposes how most of the time our own body betrays us with nonverbal expressions that are projected to the audience. It also makes emphasis in the correct postures that we should have while giving a presentation.

  87. Paola Garcia 46-09
    thanks for the information ralf you're awesome

  88. Adriana Mejía 46-19February 13, 2018 at 7:49 PM

    Thanks for the information so that I can improve my presentations

  89. good advices, thanks! i like it

  90. This information Will be helping me on my next presentation, thanks
    Paola Rivera 46-31

  91. So it´s settled, I´ll use this for my presentation
    Marco Corpus 46-04

  92. I am kinda shy when I have yo speak in públic but I will try to use the advices, thanks ralf 47-23

  93. Christopher GuerreroFebruary 18, 2018 at 7:29 PM

    Christopher Guerrero 42-21
    I am also very shy when speaking to alot of people, but i always try to practice them, thank you ralf for all your advices.

  94. The tips are so good, in my next presentation I will try to use, thanks ralf
    Estefanía Reyna 43-40

  95. I am not good at talking in public but when I saw this video I think I can actually get better on doing my presentation in public, thanks
    Arturo Solis 42-37

  96. Thanks for the tips Ralf, tomorrow i will try to use!

  97. Alejandro Paúl Igoa Ibarra 42-23
    Hey hey! Thanks for the tips Ralf! You truly are a one of a kind teacher! Thanks for helping all of us to be better! Sorry I use exclamation marks too much sometimes.

  98. Daniela perera Triana 43-35
    Thank you for the tips

  99. This tips are very helpful. I will try to use in my presentation. Thanks Ralf.
    Anette Jaramillo López 43-21

  100. thanks for the tips! it's very interesting how your body language talks about you

    jimena guadalupe macias segura 43-24

  101. I think this tips are really helpful, and the can change the impact of your presentation in other people, so I will use them at my presentation. Nadia Vidales 42 - 40

  102. Thanks for the tips, i'll use it on my next exposition.

  103. Thank you for all the tips I will try to improve my presentations and apply them. 43-27 Oliver Mtz.

  104. thanks for the tips, i hope i wont forget them during my presentation

  105. I think i get it now, thanks!! 46-38 Samuel
